#ninjago acidicus
toastingpencils37 · 7 months
Random thing I just noticed: the Serpentine Generals have glowing eyes where the regular Serpentine in their tribes do not.
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Also, on another note, Pythor does as well:
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That, plus the tail and his possession of the Anacondrai staff, leads me to believe that back during the production and airing of Season 1, he may have been meant to be the sole General of the Anacondrai before Season 4 made it canon that the Anacondrai had not one, but multiple generals.
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necrohomodril · 1 month
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genericartist27 · 4 months
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Hey, have you ever head cannoned a character as Aroace because you thought it would be a fun idea but then you realise that it might be bad to have the one Aroace character be the dumb one so you make the smart one Aroace as well since all your ships with him have fallen though the floor and you get invested on the conflict that could happened between them and then you make the dumb one Grey Aroace because you just learnt that there’s a different group and flag for that?
probably not but yeah fun story.
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foxlow · 2 years
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[ID: a full body digital drawing of Acidicus from Ninjago reading a book. he is angled to the left. the book has a dark brown cover, and he appears invested in it. the background is a dark purple. /End ID.]
He reads
Decided to draw a random serpentine and he was the result
Ty so much to @/that-was-anticlimactic for the id (@/ cause they said its okay to not tag and I dont want to disturb them)
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Got reminded of some old OLD ninjago art I did and I need smthn to post while working on the ref sheets + a full dragons rising thoughts post that’s taking forever so here u go
I raise to you, the snekification of the serpentine generals
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Actually kinda like skalidor and acidicus… save for the poses/size. Oh well, good job younger me. You might not have understood the concept of size in comparison, but good job.
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juniperjellyfish · 8 months
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alilgayavocado · 1 month
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Another page of doodles I made while thinking more about Griffin's life with the serpentine. The light green guy is actually an OC, haven't chosen a gender yet but their name is Corrosis, and they're a Venomari medic
I've had it in mind for a while that Acidicus would be the one to take on the role of Griffin's parent when he's welcomed into the community, and when I sat down to draw I considered how they would bond. I love stories, but it's hard for me to read them because I'm happiest when I experience something through sound. Griffin would enjoy audiobooks, but I doubt those exist for much of what is in Acidicus' library. So, Acidicus starts reading them to him when he has the time, and recording them for when he doesn't. Eventually the recordings receive their own shelf in the library, with new ones being added when Griffin finishes listening to them for the first time. He always takes one with him when he goes on missions with the ninja, in case he starts to miss home.
The sweater in the third sketch is a version of something I've wanted to include for a while: a gift from a group of serpentine children that he often plays with. It contains the colors of all of the tribes and, for Griffin, serves as a reminder that he does belong in the village.
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tsarbomba567 · 1 year
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crying-over-cartoons · 7 months
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Acidicus, a librarian in the Serpentine... hideout? kingdom? home? apparently reads clutch powers books while on the clock
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jynxheartlake · 9 months
My (Mostly OOC) Headcanons for the serpentine [PART 2]
Find part 1 here
Todays part is on... Acidicus!
Right of the bat, in my headcanons as well as my personal interpretations, Acidicus is always a lady (more specifically trans mtf :D)
Initially when Pythor became king she was against the idea of releasing the devourer on humanity, as she believed revenge on humans would only continue the conflict between both humans and serpentine.
(To follow hc 2) She was eventually swayed by hearing the legends of their ancestors and by the theories on whether or not the devourer even existed.
In her free time she tells stories to the younglings of the tribes.
"Evil bees" are an actual species that lives in the toxic bogs but because Skales has never been there he thought it wasn't a serious suggestion (Acidicus was offended) (this is the least serious headcanon but probably my favourite)
She usually remains the brain amongst the generals not seeking trouble, but, when allowed to/ordered to cause trouble she does sometimes let free a wilder side.
Is the oldest of the generals and has stayed general longest too. (Many have challenged her position but she has fought back with knowledge and physical strength)
Because she's the oldest she'll sometimes call younger generals like Skales "young one" (Skales hates it)
When writing historical texts about what happened in season 1 (the release of their species + the devourer), she would write little insults toward Pythor in the bylines
People who bend the spines of books are the bane of her existance
Has researched Aspheera to death (knows practically everything on her)
Is the tallest of the serpentine generals (besides Pythor obvs)
+fanart in my style again
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love her but she was a pain in the ass to draw
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neoprowl · 2 months
FOODGASM!: starring ketsuki, the 5 serpentine generals, aspheera (⚠️: suggestive)
Ketsuki: ..I...have attempted my own cooking, thank you for waiting *sets down plates of japanese style chili cheese hotdogs with grilled onions and lettuce* 楽しむ/enjoy
Pythor/skales/acidicus/fangtom/skalidor/aspheera: *unimpressed grumbles*
Ketsuki: 何か間違えている?/is something wrong?
Skalidor: you can't be serious right *takes one* the presentation is good and all but this seemes way too simplistic for warriors like us
Aspheera(to skalidor): I'm a queen actually, eo there for it fails to even be a whole meal
Skalidor: yeah yeah *takes a bite* Mmm-!?
Skalidor(foodgasm): AAAAAHHH~ wha...what is this!?
Pythor: huh?
Fangtom: how...how is he even flying like that?
Acidicus: hmm...*nom*..MMMPH
*angelic music*
Acidicus(foodgasm): SUCH FRESH HEAVENLY TASTE~
Aspheera: ugh!? Just how good is this commoner food!? *Nom* MMMM-!
*angelic music*
Aspheera(foodgasm): Hhhhngh~ is this...what true warmth feels like~!?
Pythor/Skales/fangtom: ...*Nom* Mmm-
*angelic music*
Pythor(foodgasm): ASCENSION~! {Puyopuyo refrence}
Skales(foodgasm): I... I'm completely under its control~!
Fangtom(foodgasm): Such tastes! Such texture! Finally something I can eat that won't turn!
Ketsuki: .....how are you guys flying like that?.....(to aspheera): also what happened to your clothes?
Ketsuki: さあ、触手をイカジャーキーとして使おうとしてごめんなさい/Here, as sorry for trying to use your tentacle as squid jerky
Kalmaar(smug/annoyed): huh? Surface land food?
Ketsuki: its really good... according to the serpents
Kalmaar: considering its from a land dweller like you I highly doubt it *nom*....MMPH!
Nya: *walks in*
Kalmaar(foodgasm): *ascending*
Nya: (T_T)....where's his clothes?
Ketsuki: I.... don't really know
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pastellocaneo · 4 months
the other human Ninjago serpentine generals that I remember as a kid
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I vaguely remember that I stopped watching this at some point during the serpentine era so everything past that I most likely won't recognize seeing as a kid.
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serpentfever · 2 years
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Hello ninjago fandom have an out of context au drawing
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rarlkove · 9 months
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Acidicus I did... Around a year ago now, I think.
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I headcanon every current serpentine general to have not fought in the serpentine war.
Skales- Civilian college student, training to be a doctor and interning at a hospital. He was at his internship when they caught him.
Pythor- Civilian con artist with no combat training beyond light self defense.
Skalidor- Nonexistent, she was born in the tomb.
Fangtom- Civilian college student, attending class when he was caught.
Acidicus- Civilian librarian, already fairly old at the time of the serpentine war, she was a veteran, but never fought in the serpentine war. Probably nabbed from her place of work or her bed.
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